Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Staphylococcus aureus is my new BFF.

Dat's right, peeps. I went and got myself another staph infection.

It's pretty grody, not gonna lie. And this time it's on BOTH legs. Which is. . . ridic. But what's even worse (better?) is the pattern I'm beginning to establish. If I can only get a third, this will be statistically feasible.

Summer reading for high school English gives me staph infections.

How? I don't know. But somehow, whenever I venture outside in the summer (ok, so both times in the last two years) to read, this happens. The summer before tenth grade I was innocently reading The Joy Luck Club and as I recall I was doing some major hating on one of the characters and then I came inside and later I realized I had a very oddly placed and specific sunburn.

Long story, short: STAPH INFECTION.

This has just repeated itself with The Awakening even though I like all the characters. Booooo.

Worst part is, I can't go to the doctor for like another two days so I could very well die and that is not in my life plan so. Let's hope it doesn't happen. The good news is I found my BACTROBAN!!!! from my previous staph infection and it seems to be helping. That's a topical ointment thingy for all y'all non-staph connoisseurs out thurr.

I'm sure some legit staph connoisseurs do exist.

Like, it's their hobby. They're not even scientists or doctors or anything.

Moving on, methinks I'll discuss DEGRASSI TAKES MANHATTAN later because um yeah like what. I mean I liked it and all but I was a bit thrown by the marriage and twincest. Even if I liked those too. And it's not my fault they made two of the most attractive people siblings.

It's HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL all over again.

Except not...

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