Saturday, July 17, 2010

I am so tired.

So basically this is how all my summers go:

Until the end of May, I'm going to sleep by 11, waking up by 9, finding something productive to do, and everything is hunky dory (you can tell I'm tired when I dare to say hunky dory). Then one night for whatever reason I stay up past my bedtime and for the rest of the summer I don't go to bed until after three in the morning.


This year it was because one night I had a panic attack about college and I stayed up till like 4 a.m. on College Confidential which is a great resource if you have a few questions but an extremely dangerous rabbit hole if you're completely freaking insane like I am.

These days I'm up till God knows how early/late checking to see if anyone's reading my blog (they're not), if Books-A-Million's ever going to respond to my job application (they're not), or if my eyes will just jump ship because they can't take it anymore (jury's still out on that one).

Oh, and I also play the creepiest game ever.

At 3 in the morning.

So there are ghosts and shit jumping out at me refusing to be sent back to wherever they came from and all I wanna do is make it up the mountain but I'm tired and vicariously cold and once again IT REALLY, REALLY SUCKS.

My life, that is. The game's actually pretty cool and was surprisingly cheap so I can excuse it for freaking me out especially since my parents are on this whole "limiting how much money they give me thing." Because it's my fault I'm unemployable? Pssh. Anyway. I should know better than to think, "Hey, it's 3:12, let me pop in Cursed Mountain for a spot of pre-bed fun. I'll warm up some milk too!" I mean really.

Clearly, I have mad critical thinking skillz.

Except... not.

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