Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another Hills post because now it's over and this would just be pathetic after tonight.


So basically THE HILLS series finale and reunion were like forreal intense. Why? Let's discuss.

First, the actual finale was not intense at all. It was just as boring as the rest of season 6 and I was barely paying attention. However, I really enjoyed the convo at the beginning about a "mid-20 life crisis" and "deciding who we want to be." In my mind, Lauren was laughing hysterically as she popped out of the bushes, catching her breath just so she could say, "Well, bitches, I'm a best-selling author. Ball's in your court."

Then errbody moved. Audrina like five minutes away, Kristin to EUROPE. Dat's a big change, y'all. Real big. I guess they realized they're not figuratively going anywhere so they just decided to do it literally? All I know is it was not interesting.

At some point I think Lo's bf (Scott?) proposed. However, I am not at all sure because it was really hard to hear over the sound of my body shutting down due to the stress of the sheer boredom I had put it through in watching.

Then there was a montage and I was like OMG LAUREN HEY. And I got excited. Then it was back to Kristin and Brody, yawn, and I was like, Holy crap, is this supposed to be a sad version of 'Unwritten.'

You can't make 'Unwritten' sad. Jsyk. It's like the most uplifting song ever.

And then I started freaking out. Because those jerks ended THE HILLS with Brody Jenner. WHY.

Finally, of course, the thing happened.

You know what I mean.

All of a sudden, the shot goes wide, they're on a set, WHATTTTT.

Was it all a lie? Did I invest four years of my life for nothing? The world will never know! (I suspect we'll know at some point.)

Anywho, reunion.

Holly's pretty. I like her. She cried. It was sad. But not really.

Stephanie and Lo are still kinda boring though at least Lo finally admitted she's a jerk. And she said it with a mildly bitchy laugh too!

I'll skip to Kristin and Brody. That was not productive. And they avoided the question about the ending, only saying it was "exciting" to shoot, so I didn't really care.

WHITNEY EVE PORT. Let's talk about hurr real quick like.

All I gotta say is: Those. Legs.

Tell me they aren't beautiful.

Everything else relevant to her is in the realm of THE CITY now. Which, incidentally, I watched but did not comprehend because I was so confused by the ending of THE HILLS.

And finally, Lauren Conrad. LC. "The girl who started it all," they call her.

She was pretty and wonderful as usual. The best part though? They showed her books. All four. Way to rub it in, MTV. I approve.

Well, that was the night, essentially. I'm rewatching the finale of THE HILLS. It's slightly better this time around.

If you don't have this song, beeteedubs, your life is not complete.

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