Friday, July 1, 2011

Insomnia + Libertarianism + The Future

Hey, y'all.

I really don't know why I'm awake right now seeing as I did not go to sleep at all last night, but whatever. I'm a lil' bit of an insomniac.

I'm thinking I'll do some talking about presidential candidates pretty soon, including my personal fave, GOP "classical liberal"/libertarian (his term/everyone else's) Gary Johnson. He was a successful two term president of New Mexico and he's awesome. This article from The Atlantic features the video he put together after CNN, in an epic bout of c***-blocking (WHOA I CENSORED MYSELF), barred him from their debate in mid-June. I personally tried real hard to watch the debate, but I was in a sports bar in Dallas at the time and the one TV that was on CNN was muted. So essentially we read the questions and debated whether Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann is hotter (an entirely relative debate, keep in mind).

I might go into offering info on other candidates here as a sort of... public service?

I'll also probably ramble about my college and life plans. It'll be excited. And as I start working on reviews for entertainment-y stuff, those will pop up.

See y'all around.

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